Signs of autism in my childhood that I didn't understand until now (Part 1)
As a kid, our thinking is very limited. We have not yet lived as adults, so we don't have perspective with age and experience. Being able to see the greater picture, isn't always possible for a child. When we do specific things as children, there isn't usually an explanation to us as to why we do that thing or what reason we do it. Looking back now, as an adult, I see and understand so much more why I did some of the things I did. I can also recognize now what my child self needed to do in order to cope in certain situations and when presented with things that I didn't know how to process, but at the time I didn't know I was doing just that. My mom has pointed out some things from earlier than my memory can remember, that we wonder now, if those were signs. They're difficult for me to explain in text, we'd have to show you. My earliest memories are sensory related. Some of these things are really embarrassing for me to admit that I did/do, so please know t...